AAS 231
ENG 245
URB 231
The Souls of Black Folk - Reading W.E.B. Du Bois
AAS 310
DAN 313
AMS 295
URB 307
Dancing New York in the Twentieth Century
AAS 326
AMS 388
HIS 226
Topics in African American Culture & Life: Black Disability Studies, Black Disability Histories
AFS 322
POL 463
ANT 222
AAS 334
Contemporary African Politics and Society: Ethnographic Reading, Thinking and Writing
AMS 257
JDS 257
REL 205
Jews Across the Americas
AMS 321
GSS 296
Regarding the Pain of Others
AMS 406
ASA 406
LAO 406
Advanced Seminar: The 1970s in 10 Objects
ANT 252
Visible/Invisible Worlds: Anthropology in Film and Data
ANT 261
HUM 262
Differences: The Anthropology of Disability
ANT 299
EGR 299
ENT 299
People-Centered: Doing Anthropology
ANT 333
HIS 233
AMS 432
Indigenous Futures: Health and Wellbeing within Native Nations
ANT 362
HUM 386
AAS 337
Filming the Future of Liberation
ANT 438
LAS 438
SPI 438
Anthropology of Borders
ARA 430
Arabic Creative Writing
ARC 322
History of Comparative Architecture: What is Architectural Theory?
ARC 362
Lives of the Most Excellent Architects
ART 291
URB 291
ARC 291
Competing Professions
ART 407
CLA 407
VIS 408
HLS 408
Drawing Archaeology
ART 430
MED 430
HLS 430
Seminar. Medieval Art: Genesis: Cosmos and Ethos in Late Antique Art
ART 450
FRE 408
Seminar. 19th-Century European Art: Inventing Impressionism
ART 456
Seminar. Contemporary Art: The World Picture
ART 485
LAS 485
Collecting and Exhibiting Art of the Ancient Americas
ASL 208
Medical Discourse in American Sign Language
ATL 495
Princeton Atelier: How to Write an Epistolary Novel
ATL 497
Princeton Atelier: Custom of the Coast: Creating a Small-Scale Opera
CBE 225
MSE 225
STC 225
ENV 225
Plastics, Profit, and People: How Science & Society Can Strive for Sustainability
CEE 420
Networked Infrastructure Systems
CEE 444
Science and Solutions for Cities on a Changing Planet
CLA 234
REL 248
Magic and Witchcraft in the Ancient World
CLA 314
HLS 372
REL 315
HUM 310
On the Road with Paul of Tarsus: Travel in the Roman Mediterranean
CLG 214
Greek Prose Authors: Thucydides
COM 396
GER 396
ENG 396
GSS 337
The Poetics and Politics of Pronouns
COM 466
ENG 466
ECS 466
Refugees, Migrants and the Making of Contemporary Europe
CWR 213
Writing Speculative Fiction
CWR 313
Seeing is Believing: Drafting the Lasting Image
DAN 328
Princeton Dance Festival: Choreography and Performance
EAS 306
GSS 295
Gender and Genre in Japanese Cinema
EAS 333
Poetry in Chinese Film and Media
EAS 345
HIS 246
A Monster History of Japan, from Kojiki to Godzilla
EAS 350
ASA 350
AMS 251
Moving Images: Contemporary Asian American Cinema
EAS 419
COM 467
GSS 449
Feminist Pedagogies in Modern Trans-East Asia: History, Theory and Practice
ECO 102
Introduction to Personal Finance
ECO 316
Economic Lessons from the World of Sports
EGR 340
ENT 340
TigerChallenge: Human-Centered Design for Social Impact (Year-Long Course)
EGR 380
ENT 380
eLab: Creating Value in the Real World (Year-Long Course)
EGR 495
ENT 495
Special Topics in Entrepreneurship: At The Root: Radical Sustainability and Design
ENE 449
SPI 459
Integrated Assessment Modeling for Climate Policy Making
ENG 218
GSS 233
AMS 217
Nice People
ENG 279
Shakespeare at the Movies
ENG 291
GSS 291
ASA 291
Asian Mothers
ENG 309
Graphic Narrative and the Comics Medium
ENG 340
AMS 359
Topics in American Literature: Cather, Faulkner, Morrison
ENG 383
GSS 395
AMS 483
Topics in Women's Writing: Early Women's Writing
ENG 388
AAS 391
COM 399
Topics in Critical Theory: Frantz Fanon
ENG 402
Forms of Literature: Inventing the Novel
ENG 404
COM 448
Forms of Literature: Short Forms: Fables, Tales, Aphorisms
ENG 441
COM 426
GSS 443
A New Eve: Women, Myth, and Power
ENV 208
What Does the Environment Look Like?
ENV 271
ENG 271
Climate Storytelling for Climate Action
ENV 307
ANT 307
EEB 307
Systems Approaches to Conservation
ENV 389
AMS 389
Just Transitions and Climate Futures
FRE 243
ECS 383
AAS 242
Literature and the Relational Self in Contemporary French Prose
FRE 306
Wandering Utopias: Writing and Rewriting Reality
FRE 317
COM 358
Books into Film: The Art of Adaptation
FRE 320
Language and Empire in Early Modern France
FRE 332
Topics in the French Middle Ages and Renaissance: Montaigne's Cannibals
FRE 380
ECS 387
FRE 412
The Sounds, Forms, and Places of French Across Time: A Critical History of the French Language
FRS 105
Micro+Macro: What Small Stories Can Tell Us About the Large Forces Shaping Our World
FRS 107
Expanded Craft
FRS 109
The Kitchen Lab: Food & Health
FRS 113
Rise and Fall: Geodesy, and the History of Roman Floods
FRS 117
Tragedy and the Meaning of Life
FRS 121
What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search
FRS 125
GLAMbasted: Cultural Heritage Institutions Under Fire
FRS 135
Sound Design and the Moving Image: The Multi-Layered Language of Film
FRS 145
What's Your Sign?
FRS 151
Understanding Disasters
FRS 153
Celluloid Science
FRS 155
The Oldest Science: An Overview of Ancient Astronomy Around the World
FRS 159
Teaching Computers to Understand African Languages
FRS 161
Harmonizing Resistance: Music's Power in the Americas
FRS 165
Body Politics: Pro Wrestling in Social, Cultural, and Political Perspective
FRS 179
Before Hamilton: Power and History
FRS 181
The Political Lives of Angela Davis
FRS 183
Civil Disobedience: Breaking the Law from Socrates to the Civil Rights Movement
FRS 189
Dante's Inferno: A Guide to Hell (and Back)
FRS 191
Do Sanctuary Spaces Matter in Contemporary Immigrant Rights Work?
FRS 199
Making an Impression: Prints and Printmaking, 1500-2024
GEO 402
ENV 402
Methods of Chemical and Isotopic Analysis in the Earth Sciences
GER 213
Origins of Critical Thought: What Can I Know?
GER 302
ECS 377
Topics in Critical Theory: Philosophy and the Irrational
GER 307
ENG 323
COM 347
Topics in German Culture and Society: Civic Storytelling: Political Novellas
GER 314
Topics in the History and Theory of the Media: Technologies of/and the Body - Mediated Visions
GER 402
ECS 401
GSS 457
Why Weimar Now? Material Culture and Historical Analogy
GSS 250
THR 250
AMS 250
Understanding the Recent Queer Past
HIS 430
AMS 430
History of the American West, 1500-1999
HIS 442
LAS 442
Modern Mexican History
HIS 461
NES 461
AFS 461
AAS 462
History of Coffee in Africa and the Middle East
HIS 483
EAS 483
History of the Manchu People and their Culture
HIS 486
GSS 486
EAS 486
ASA 486
Women and War in Asia/America
HIS 496
The Science of Heaven and Hell
HUM 316
COM 313
ECS 374
ITA 316
Women in European Cinema: Gender and the Politics of Culture
HUM 330
Histories and Theories of the Academic Humanities
HUM 470
COM 470
HIS 287
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities: Literature, History and Their Entanglements in the Western Tradition
ISC 231
MOL 231
CHM 231
PHY 231
An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to Life Sciences I
ISC 232
MOL 232
CHM 232
PHY 232
An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to Life Sciences I
Introductory Japanese II
JRN 260
The Media in America: Witnessing History
JRN 448
The Media and Social Issues: Reporting from the Margins
JRN 453
The Challenges Covering an Increasingly Diverse Multicultural Nation
LAO 354
MUS 355
ANT 254
Thinking with Bad Bunny: the Cultural Politics of Race, Language, and Empire
LAO 383
ANT 283
AMS 393
Post Disaster Futures
LAS 312
POL 459
ENV 313
The Politics of Climate Change and Energy Transitions in Latin America
LAS 328
SPA 367
Undocumented: Migrants, Refugees, and Rights in Latin American Literature and Culture
LAS 352
SPA 369
GSS 467
On Women and Witches: Latin American Writers, Artists, Activists
LAS 384
ANT 284
Carceral Politics and Intimacy Across Central America
MAE 421
ENV 421
ENE 411
Optics and Lasers: Building and Understanding Optical Systems
MAT 101
History of Mathematics
MAT 418
Topics in Algebraic Number Theory: Algebraic Number Theory
MTD 384
THR 384
Voice Acting and Vocal Foley Design
MUS 243
HLS 246
AFS 243
NES 243
Music in the Mediterranean
MUS 400
MTD 407
THR 407
CWR 407
Opera without the Singing: Fables, Fairy Tales and Narrated Musical Theater
NES 249
CWR 249
Middle Eastern Artist Master Class: Creative Writing
NES 305
Palestinian Literature and Cinema
NEU 477
The Neural Mechanisms of Consciousness and Volition
PHI 210
GSS 238
Introduction to Feminist Political Philosophy
PHI 305
Consciousness, the Mind-Body Problem, and the Self
POL 341
Experimental Methods in Social Science
POL 410
CHV 410
Seminar in Political Theory: Political Theory and Social Change
POL 412
HUM 411
Seminar in Political Theory: Capitalism and its Critics
POL 423
Seminar in American Politics: The Politics of Supreme Court Appointments
POR 270
LAS 270
Literatures from the Forest: Amazonian Storytelling, Activism, and Art
PSY 243
CGS 243
PSY 450
Advanced Seminar in Emotion
REL 210
EAS 210
Buddhist Cosmology and Rebirth
REL 314
JDS 314
HUM 322
COM 366
The Bible and Modernity: Literature, Philosophy, Politics
REL 365
PHI 366
CHV 316
What Should We Eat? Ethics, Religion, Politics
REL 372
AAS 367
Religion, Race and Politics in the U.S.
REL 404
Advanced Reading in Tibetan
REL 411
JDS 412
The Bible and its Early Interpreters
SLA 205
Nightmare Narratives: Terrifying Dreams in Russian Literature and Beyond
SLA 209
Catastrophic Literary Imagination: Ukraine 1917-2022
SLA 321
Petersburg: Cultural Myth and Literary Text
SOC 368
Special Topics in Sociology: Land of Dollars: Race, Money and American Inequality
SOC 391
SPI 431
The Geography of Opportunity in America
SOC 392
ASA 362
GSS 350
Asian American Women and Everyday Violence
SPA 255
The Making of a Language: Spanish Then and Now
SPA 258
LAS 258
Latin American and Caribbean Imaginaries about the Conquest and the Colonial Past
SPA 371
LAS 361
Art and Violence in Spain and its Empire
SPI 299
Introduction to Research Design (Non-Credit)
SPI 307
GSS 255
JRN 307
Persuasive Narratives in Everyday Economics: Incentives, Tradeoffs, Identity
SPI 408
Morality, Values, and U.S. Foreign Policy
SPI 427
The Long and the Short of It: The Politics of Writing
SPI 430
Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
SPI 493
Global Perspectives
STC 220
Baseball Analytics
THR 381
STC 381
Movement and Projection
THR 382
AMS 391
GSS 254
Feminist Performance and Creative Practice
UKR 105
Intermediate Ukrainian I
VIS 235
Futurity of Art in Public Spaces: Site, Materials, and Community
VIS 236
GSS 236
Queer Visions: Transcending Borders through Film and Visual Culture
VIS 328
Places and Spaces: Exploring the Narratives of Site in Film
VIS 426
Photography as Poetic Record
WRI 240
From Cuneiform to Codices: Archival Methods for Special Collections Research I (Year-long Course)