The Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES) supports academic courses and research grounded in Princeton's commitment to research and education that benefit humanity. ProCES courses bring community-identified priorities and interests into conversation with course learning goals through experiential learning, including: community-based research, empirical analysis, service learning, guest speakers, site visits, citizen science, participant observation, public humanities, practicing arts, and other collaborative modalities and methods of knowledge co-creation. Partners include non-profit, public sector, and non-governmental organizations and grassroots community leaders representing a variety of fields as well as racial and environmental justice and social change frameworks.

The courses below have a community-engaged component. For more information about this semester’s ProCES courses visit

2024-2025 Fall

Subject & Catalog Number Title
AAS 244 Introduction to Pre-20th Century Black Diaspora Art
AMS 322 Native American Literature
ANT 240 Medical Anthropology
ANT 263 Justice
ANT 311 Food, Culture & Society
ANT 368 Ethnography of Schools and Schooling
ART 483 Pathologies of Difference: Art, Medicine and Race in the British Empire
ASL 101 Beginner's American Sign Language I
ASL 105 Intermediate American Sign Language
ASL 208 Medical Discourse in American Sign Language
CBE 225 Plastics, Profit, and People: How Science & Society Can Strive for Sustainability
CEE 102A Engineering in the Modern World
CHI 451 Fifth Year Modern Chinese I: Language and Culture in Contemporary China
COS 333 Advanced Programming Techniques
EGR 200 Creativity, Innovation, and Design
EGR 340 TigerChallenge: Human-Centered Design for Social Impact (Year-Long Course)
EGR 361 The Reclamation Studio: Humanistic Design applied to Systemic Bias
EGR 380 eLab: Creating Value in the Real World (Year-Long Course)
ENV 251 Coming to Our Senses: Climate Justice - Climate Change in Film, Photography and Popular Culture
ENV 271 Climate Storytelling for Climate Action
FRS 101 Get Your Kicks
FRS 109 The Kitchen Lab: Food & Health
FRS 115 Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource
FRS 143 Is Politics a Performance?
FRS 161 Harmonizing Resistance: Music's Power in the Americas
FRS 191 Do Sanctuary Spaces Matter in Contemporary Immigrant Rights Work?
GHP 350 Critical Perspectives in Global Health Policy
HUM 352 Arts in the Invisible City: Race, Policy, Performance
JPN 305 Integrative Advanced Japanese I
JPN 401 Readings in Modern Japanese I
JPN 407 Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture I
JRN 260 The Media in America
JRN 449 International News
MOL 460 Diseases in Children: Causes, Costs, and Choices
PSY 420 Selected Topics in Psychotherapy Research
SOC 210 Urban Sociology: The City and Social Change in the Americas
SOC 314 Poverty, by America
SPA 205 Medical Spanish
SPA 233 Languages of the Americas
SPA 250 Identity in the Spanish-Speaking World
SPA 364 Doing Oral History in Spanish: The 'Voces de la Diáspora' Oral History Project
SPI 328 Crime and Violence in U.S. Cities
SPI 331 Race and Public Policy
THR 101 Introduction to Theater Making
THR 400 Theatrical Design Studio
TPP 301 Seminar on Student Learning and Methods for Teaching
URB 300 Urban Studies Research Seminar
URB 385 Mapping Gentrification
WRI 230 Is Talk Cheap? I (Year-Long Course)