The Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES) supports academic courses and research grounded in Princeton's commitment to research and education that benefit humanity. ProCES courses bring community-identified priorities and interests into conversation with course learning goals through experiential learning, including: community-based research, empirical analysis, service learning, guest speakers, site visits, citizen science, participant observation, public humanities, practicing arts, and other collaborative modalities and methods of knowledge co-creation. Partners include non-profit, public sector, and non-governmental organizations and grassroots community leaders representing a variety of fields and perspectives.

The courses below have a community-engaged component. For more information about this semester’s ProCES courses visit

2024-2025 Spring

Subject & Catalog Number Title
AAS 304 Topics in African American Culture & Life
AAS 404 Reparative Aesthetics: Art, Medicine and the Colonial Plantation
AMS 325 Pacific Archives and Indigenous Cosmologies
ANT 240 Medical Anthropology
ARC 317 Queer Spaces in the World
ARC 346 Modern Architectures in Context: Cities in Asia
ASA 201 Introduction to Asian American Studies
ASL 102 Beginner's American Sign Language II
ASL 107 Advanced American Sign Language
CEE 344 Water, Engineering, and Civilization
CHI 107 Intermediate Chinese II
CHI 452 Fifth-Year Modern Chinese II: Language and Culture in Contemporary China
COS 333 Advanced Programming Techniques
EGR 200 Creativity, Innovation, and Design
EGR 277 Technology and Society
EGR 341 TigerChallenge: Human-Centered Design for Social Impact (Year-Long Course)
EGR 361 The Reclamation Studio: Humanistic Design applied to Systemic Bias
EGR 381 eLab: Creating Value in the Real World (Year-Long Course)
ENG 342 Indigenous Literature and Culture
ENV 476 (Out)living Fossil Fuels: Histories and Futures of Energy Transitions
FRE 372 Migration, Diversity, Diaspora: Francophone Community-Engagement
FRS 112 Imprisoned Minds: Religion and Philosophy from Jail
FRS 152 Translating Mesoamerica
FRS 173 Acting against Oppression
FRS 193 Food for Thought: What We Eat and Why
GER 316 Learning (and Teaching) New Languages
HIS 275 The 'Voces de la Diáspora' Oral History Project
JPN 306 Integrative Advanced Japanese II
JPN 402 Readings in Modern Japanese II
JRN 260 The Media in America
LIN 205 A Survey of American Sign Language
MAE 226 Engineering Methods and Skills
PSY 385 Mind, Body, Culture
SPA 204 Spanish for a Medical Caravan
SPA 205 Medical Spanish
SPA 211 Varieties of Spanish
SPA 304 Spanish in the Community
SPI 356 Asylum: Policy, Politics, and Practice
SPI 413 The Criminal Legal System: Advocacy and Freedom
THR 101 Introduction to Theater Making
THR 351 The Craft of Teaching - Community Focused Pedagogy for Artists and Performers
TPP 301 Seminar on Student Learning and Methods for Teaching
URB 384 Affordable Housing in the United States
WRI 231 Is Talk Cheap? II (Year-Long Course)