Students select courses prior to the beginning of each semester. To get started, review the current Course Offerings on this site. Then meet with your adviser to discuss your plans, secure approval, and enroll using TigerHub.
Academic Advising
Academic advising occurs in your residential college and through your academic department. Plan to meet with your adviser each semester prior to adding, swapping, or dropping classes. Begin here to learn more about the process and how it relates to course selection. If you are studying abroad during course selection, email proposed courses to your director of undergraduate studies and/or adviser, as well as the instructor, if permission is required. The Office of International Programs handles enrollment for courses taken abroad.
Course Selection Deadlines
Meet with your academic adviser, director of undergraduate studies, or director of graduate studies to discuss your plans prior to enrolling.
Undergraduate Students Graduate Students
Courses with specific enrollment procedures:
Writing Seminars Freshman Seminars
Adding or Dropping Courses
TigerHub is where you add or drop courses. The forms and information below are provided for specific situations that cannot be completed there. Here, you will also find upcoming add/drop deadlines, and learn about the implications of changes made after the deadline.
Adding Courses Requiring Permission